Best Bird Brain's Reflection Firepot, Turquoise
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This Bird Brain's Reflection are available on Amazon at a discounted price! Click here to take advantage of this discount.
Here are some of the great features of Bird Brain's Reflection Firepot, Turquoise
Bird Brain 11504977, Bird Brain's reflection firepot is individually glazed with beautiful crackle color glazes. Mirrored glass is hand applied creating reflection and drama against the enchanting flames. Recommend for use with Bird Brain's firepot solid gel. Firepot includes a metal flame snuffer. Gel sold separately.
- Recommended for use with Bird Brain's solid gel
- Mirrored glass is hand applied making each fire pot a one of a kind work or art
- Individually glazed with beautiful crackle colors
- Firepot includes a metal flame snuffer
- Gel sold separately
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