Save on Twist - 7" BOD (Branding On Demand) Draft Tap Handle
This review on Twist - 7" BOD (Branding On Demand) Draft Tap Handle Best Price for Sale. If you are interested buying, Find cheap price this site it will save your money. Read review & Compare price at different stores. You will enjoy the shopping convenience and the service of the superior quality and experience the lowest price at the main store.
Sales 2012 Twist - 7" BOD
Twist - 7" BOD (Branding On Demand) Draft Tap Handle is very popular product and also bestseller on amazon website right now!!! And Twist - 7" BOD is high quality products from Beverage Factory . Following my long search I determined that at amazon is cheapest and guaranteed shipping as well. Normally ships with 24 hours.
Here are some of the great features of Twist - 7" BOD (Branding On Demand) Draft Tap Handle
Twist - 7" BOD, Flexible, cost-effective and uniquely designed the BOD tap handle delivers branding and real-time marketing.You can re-use the BOD tap handle to promote a seasonal or traditional beer or promote special venues or holidays.With its 360 label the BOD tap handle delivers more space for branding and image building.BOD saves you time and money...simply re-print the branding label and re-use the BOD tap handle again and again - brew today and sell tonight!
- Durable lightweight construction
- Fits US faucet lever threads
- 360 branding area
- Overall Height 6"
- Application Fits all US faucet lever threads
Save on Twist - 7" BOD. Best Deals Twist - 7" BOD (Branding On Demand) Draft Tap Handle. Fast & Super Saver Shipping. Just a few more days to check out and SAVE!